The Author

The Author

Monday, 4 July 2011



Reports recently uncovered by a team of students researching the underclass of Croyden in the 1960's, have allegedly uncovered evidence that Ray the Dust was involved in a food parcel scam during the tragic Biafran crisis In the late 1960's. 

On 30th June 1969, the Nigerian government banned all Red Cross aid to Biafra. However for the preceding two years the populace of Great Britain, rich and poor,old and young, willfully gave spare food to local charitable organisations, so that the Red Cross could collate packages for the starving children and adults of Biafra.

Biafra had seceded from the former British colony of Nigeria in 1967, and had struggled to survive as an independent nation against the might of its former African parent that its self had gained independence from the UK in 1960.

Whilst the school children of Great Britain nagged their parents for food that they could take to class so that it could be forwarded for their Biafrian compatriots, and old age pensioners gave up there bingo money to add to the food aid, Ray The Dust was scheming with his roustabout scooter riding mates, to see how many food packages he could divert for consumption by his own bloated and distended belly.

As a child Ray the Dust had always had a ravenous appetite, and as a teenager had already developed a paunch and an expanding waistband. As the Biafran outrage was reported across the TV networks and in the press, the Dust and his gang of Croyden hooligans had soon worked out that the easiest way to a distended but content belly, was to set up a bogus charity and to collect food parcels on behalf of the Biafran crisis.

Ray the Dust was allegedly successful for a number of months until a group of local greasers stumbled upon the scam and took over control of the operation. However, their involvement was short lived as the greater might of Nigeria soon overran the fledgling state of Biafra and  re-Incorporated the region in to the Nigerian sovereign state. 

By this time, the Dust was already hooked on additional calories, and to this day each and every day is one huge meal for the corpulent ex refuse collector. Indeed his tragic obsession with Karaoke singing is a by product from his waist being so large that his trousers are always tight, and thus he feels better standing , and thus singing in to sweaty  mic, in a seedy club was just a short transition for the food loving Dust.    

We await further reports, at which time additional information will be posted for your benefit.

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