Regulars at the Duck were outraged the other evening when "Chelsea Dave Duck" a fully paid up member of "The Duck Flay Cap Society" was spotted in Communist attire.
"Chelsea Dave Duck" has allegedly been influenced by fellow flat cap wearers, ex SAS and SBS military hard man "Basher Hurley" and the elusive norther agitator "Dave the Teach", both suspected members of the northern English subversive group the "Ekee Thump Brigade".
"Dave the Teach", whose recent unexplained absence from "Duck Flat Cap Society" conference meetings may be due to clandestine meetings overseas with "Ekee Thump Brigade" sympathisers from the Communist Peoples Republic of China. In the same vein, "Basher Hurley" has recently been suspected of trying to infiltrate subversive communist Flat Cap wearing groups in Northern Ireland.
It is unfortunate to note that the head gear of "Chelsea Duck" in a recently released photograph, appears to indicate an allegiance to the Chinese Communist regime !.
A meeting of the full "Consumption and Etiquette Committee" of the "Duck Flat Cap Society" is due to take place next Sunday, and Honorary ex Chairman "Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff" is sure to take a hard line when interrogating "Chelsea Dave Duck". It is well known that the respected but aging Egyptian Desert veteran "Driver Chard" is not happy with some of the clothing worn by certain members of the Society, and he has been known to censor members for there shoddy attire.
He was less than impressed by the recent wearing of a revolutionary black leather coat, black Sailor cap and "telnyashka" shirt with white and blue stripes by "Dave the Teach". The Chard was further outraged by the diminutive plumber "Little legs Parkes" wearing a Red Bandanna and sandals at the last Golf Society picnic.
A further report will be posted after Sundays meeting.
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020