Alleged notorious Nazi sympathiser and alleged convicted Paedophile, Her Peter P Plato-Pederson, has recently emerged from his self imposed exile to reveal his political feelings regarding the current slump in world productivity and the crash of the world’s monitory and financial systems.

The repugnant video recording is considered by those who have viewed it to be on a par with middle eastern beheading's recorded during the reoccurring military intervention's and humanitarian emergencies in that part of the world.
Indeed, a little known video recording from the 80's, showing a soviet era commando having his skin shredded from his body by a rebel tribesman, reportedly shows Peter P Plato-Pederson standing idly by in the background, gently stroking his hideous miniature mustache.
He then strides forward and grabs a strip of the flayed flesh and proceeds to clean his shoes as if using a leather rag.
The current video also reveals that the war criminal has developed a strong wish to be associated with a non political and well behaved social grouping in the United Kingdom known as " the Bohemian League of Gentleman", otherwise known as BLOG.
It is believed that he has developed this strange affection after hearing stories of the group via a vile associate who goes by the cover name of "Big Bobbidy Bob", a known reprobate and subversive member of the United Kingdoms building trade underclass and over weight sub elite.
However, BLOG have correctly denied all links with Peter P Plato-Pederson, the alleged Nazi violator of all humanity, but has expressed a grudging acceptance that the equally vile "Big Bobbidy Bob", is known to the groups executive.
The acting Chairman, Steve "Wip man" Get Karter, has confirmed that Peter P Plato-Pederson has absolutely no links with BLOG, and that previous meetings with the notorious Big Bobbidy Bob were accidental.
Chairman Get Karter's side kick and political adviser "Lord Luis Loafington Smythe " has confirmed this but has mentioned that the group has had former links with political figures, and in particular member of the former political grouping the "SDP" during the early eighties and the notorious Lord Burlington of the Arcade.
Indeed, past run ins with the miniature inebriate builder were followed by concerted action by the groups members to ensure that group meetings and Tea dances are held at a venue known not to be frequented by the vile interloper.
In this respect it has been confirmed that the groups intelligence Unit, headed by ex night club groover,and recovering alcoholic, Winny "WWB" Brownoski , that the vile monosyllabic inebriate has not been near any group meeting for at least six months and that sufficient plans are in place to ensure that his presence is not encountered again.
Additional members of the group's security section, in particular " Big Marty Blainster" ,Ian "Boozy" Creedmieser and Tony "the Italian Stallion" have armed themselves with suitable weapons so that if the Neo Nazi sympathiser does show his face, he shall be immobilised in a swift fashion, with minimal disruption to the groups imbibing and pub singing open mike activities.
Furthermore the groups former East German spy, The Mossenelle, has managed to obtain via his connections with the former East German secrete service "Ministerium für Staatssicherheit" other wise known as STASI, evidence that Peter P Plato-Pederson has been in constant recent contact with Big Bobbidy Bob, and that the record confirms that BBB has not been seen in the vicinity of BLOG meetings for at least six months.
A meeting of the full imbibing and open mike society is to take place in the next couple if days, and a report on progress with distancing the vile Prussian pervert will be reported on in due course.
Indeed, a little known video recording from the 80's, showing a soviet era commando having his skin shredded from his body by a rebel tribesman, reportedly shows Peter P Plato-Pederson standing idly by in the background, gently stroking his hideous miniature mustache.
He then strides forward and grabs a strip of the flayed flesh and proceeds to clean his shoes as if using a leather rag.
The current video also reveals that the war criminal has developed a strong wish to be associated with a non political and well behaved social grouping in the United Kingdom known as " the Bohemian League of Gentleman", otherwise known as BLOG.
It is believed that he has developed this strange affection after hearing stories of the group via a vile associate who goes by the cover name of "Big Bobbidy Bob", a known reprobate and subversive member of the United Kingdoms building trade underclass and over weight sub elite.
However, BLOG have correctly denied all links with Peter P Plato-Pederson, the alleged Nazi violator of all humanity, but has expressed a grudging acceptance that the equally vile "Big Bobbidy Bob", is known to the groups executive.
The acting Chairman, Steve "Wip man" Get Karter, has confirmed that Peter P Plato-Pederson has absolutely no links with BLOG, and that previous meetings with the notorious Big Bobbidy Bob were accidental.
Chairman Get Karter's side kick and political adviser "Lord Luis Loafington Smythe " has confirmed this but has mentioned that the group has had former links with political figures, and in particular member of the former political grouping the "SDP" during the early eighties and the notorious Lord Burlington of the Arcade.
Indeed, past run ins with the miniature inebriate builder were followed by concerted action by the groups members to ensure that group meetings and Tea dances are held at a venue known not to be frequented by the vile interloper.
In this respect it has been confirmed that the groups intelligence Unit, headed by ex night club groover,and recovering alcoholic, Winny "WWB" Brownoski , that the vile monosyllabic inebriate has not been near any group meeting for at least six months and that sufficient plans are in place to ensure that his presence is not encountered again.
Additional members of the group's security section, in particular " Big Marty Blainster" ,Ian "Boozy" Creedmieser and Tony "the Italian Stallion" have armed themselves with suitable weapons so that if the Neo Nazi sympathiser does show his face, he shall be immobilised in a swift fashion, with minimal disruption to the groups imbibing and pub singing open mike activities.
Furthermore the groups former East German spy, The Mossenelle, has managed to obtain via his connections with the former East German secrete service "Ministerium für Staatssicherheit" other wise known as STASI, evidence that Peter P Plato-Pederson has been in constant recent contact with Big Bobbidy Bob, and that the record confirms that BBB has not been seen in the vicinity of BLOG meetings for at least six months.
A meeting of the full imbibing and open mike society is to take place in the next couple if days, and a report on progress with distancing the vile Prussian pervert will be reported on in due course.
Greetings from Paraguay.