The Author

The Author

Thursday, 22 March 2012



The Duck Flat Cap Societies resident thug and intelligence officer, Basher Hurley, a former military hard man and continuing sex mad sexologist, has recently undergone triple heart surgery so as to ensure his fitness level is maintained at that of a raging bare knuckle homophobic super stud.

The surgical procedure was designed so as to ensure that an additional artery and two additional veins were inserted to supply his manhood, as well as the standard insertion of triple bypass conduits to ease the supply of blood to his pulsating cardiac organ.  

The surgeons performing the operation were engaged under strict instructions from the medical wing of the Duck Flat Cap Society, under guidance from MI5 and the South African and Israeli secret services. In addition, the Special Boat Service and SAS provide medical back up by way of Mata Hari styled nurses, who were assigned to him immediately after the operation so as to assess his post operative coital capacity.

Basher was indeed soon back in working order and just a couple of days after his operation the ex military hard man had resume his seat at the DFCS  high table and indulged in his usual capricious activity of imbibing vast quantities of the black stuff from the emerald isles.

With regards to his sexual abilities, he has also conducted himself in a totally unselfish manner and has cooperated fully with the Caribbean form of the “Black stuff”, supplied by the military division of the Jamaican secret service.

As usual, Basher Hurley has performed with natural grace and agility whilst he has tested the Jamaican agent to the limit with his consistent and regular exercise regime.

The DFCS imbibing and ethnic relations sub committee have commended Basher Hurley on his return to active duty so soon after his operation, and have discussed the possibility of offering the former military hard man a medal as a token of their admiration.

 However, Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff has vetoed this suggestion as he feel that more time needs to elapse prior to the Society bestowing the "Silver Chopper" award.

 Driver Chard's  apprehension is supported by Chelsea Dave and Barry Duck as they both have received reports that Basher Hurley also received a Penile Extension whilst under the Knife, and therefore contravening one of the golden ball rules of the Duck Flat Cap Society.

A further faction of the Society, headed by northern activist "Dave the Teach" is Pro Basher with regards awarding a medal in recognition of his recent work in inter racial Harmony, and argues that the Penile extension was always part of the deal.     

 The full committee will soon be meeting to discuss the possibility of awarding a "Purple Testicle" in compensation, and further details will be leaked in due course. 

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