Dominic loved Bananas and starchy snacks.
He also liked Oranges and Lemons mixed with the zest of a lime and a spot of treacle. Fruit was his life and a day would not be complete unless he had consumed vast quantities of the fleshy and succulent seed bearing structures.
Totally consumed by the consumption of fruit, he was oblivious to life's other pleasures, including a total abstinence from alcohol, sex, chocolate and friendship. His only concession was to observe a gentle affection for corn based snacks such as starch based products and crisps.
Dominic was a late developer, and was still only just over five feet in height at the age of 66. His hair had receded to the extent that he was technical bald, whilst his fingers were configured like contorted Germanic bratwurst sausages.
His sexuality had never been confirmed or consummated, although he was ardently defensive when pressed on this matter by those who he considered worthy of bilateral conversation. Painfully shy, his face would glow a bright iridescent crimson at the slightest mention of pornography, sex or sexual activity. The burning sensation would envelope his face and neck and leave him defenseless too the relentless ribbing and teasing of those in his company.
The feeling of inadequacy that this embedded in to his psych was a main trigger in his desire to deconstruct and destabalise the world about him. However, when confronted by a platter of fruit his mind would turn soft and mushy, and pleasurable sensations would sweep through his consciousness like a sweeping contagion. However, all this was to change when he first stumbled upon the dubious if strange configuration and appearance of a quince.
The quince is native to western Asia, but thrives in a variety of climates and can be grown at fairly northern latitudes. However, Dominic had not previously encountered the fruit and was consumed by a wave of fear and grief when first encountered at an exhibition of exotic foods whilst in Neasdon Pava, Middlesex.
To be continued.....
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