The Author

The Author

Tuesday, 2 November 2010



Documents allegedly recently released by the Russian state archive, indicate that prior to the Russian Revolution in 1918, and the subsequent mass murder of the entire Russian "Romanov" Imperial Royal family, George V of the house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and later Windsor from 17 July 1917, the reigning King and Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India and Nicholas Romanov II, Czar and Emperor of all the Russia's, switched identities.

  The switch was successful due to their uncanny resemblance to each other, which was due due the genetic fact that they were first cousins, together with the German Kaiser Wilhelm II.

The alleged switch of identities took place during a visit to the United Kingdom by the entire Romanov Royal family, when they stayed at the former Royal residence of the late Queen Victoria on the Isle of White.

As was the custom at the time, a large proportion of the British Home Fleet were stationed of shore so that the Czar could review the Navy whilst in the company of his cousin, King George V.

At the time of the Royal visit, Nicholas was aware that the Russian people were in a rebellious mood and he was unsure that he would be able to maintain his position as Czar of all the Russia's on his return to the vast and desolate lands that he ruled over. His German wife Alexandra, the former Princess Alix of Hess -Darmstadt, was also causing him trouble with her infatuation for the Siberian Lothario and Russian Orthodox priest "Rasputin", who controlled her every thought and move, through his supposed supernatural care for their hemophiliac son "Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich".

George was allegedly dissatisfied with his life after his accession the the throne, and his sudden change of life style, brought on particularly by the continuous nagging of his wife Queen Mary.
The change of identity was suggested by George, and Nicholas jumped at the chance to remain in England.
He had long wished to become closer acquainted to Mary and was sick to the back teeth of Alex and her constant flirting with the maddening and totally insane Priest, Rasputin.

Allegedly, the switch took place without any one noticing except that Queen Mary was pleasantly surprised by her "husbands" renewed vigour between the Royal bed sheets.
Also, the Czarina was soon to notice that the "Czar" was no longer worried by Rasputin as long as she retired to the Royal bed chamber as and when required by the randy royal doppelganger.

Indeed the recently released documents allegedly also reveal that it was probably George who ordered the final assassination of Rasputin by the fay homosexual Royal prince Felix Yusupov at the Moika Palace.

All was well for both parties until the Russian Revolution at which time George tried to explain who he was but the now comfortable Nicholas, relishing his new existence as King and Emperor of the United Kingdom and India and Dominions refused to consent to the explanation offered by the now desperate George.

Of course, we all know what happened next, as the entire Royal family were transported to the Siberian town of Yekaterinburg and murdered by Bolshevik henchmen as the orders of the local soviet.

Thus, allegedly the former Czar of all the Russia continued on the Throne of the United Kingdom and to this day his direct offspring is the Monarch of the same !!!!!!!!!!!!.

1 comment:

  1. Fine research, you have done your homework well , Ra Ra Rasputin, there was a cat who really was gone.
