Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff, acting president and chairman of the Duck Flat Cap Society (D.F.C.S), has sensationally declared war on Spain over the present dispute with Gibraltar.
Driver Chard sites provocation going back to the War of Jenkins ear and the subsequent War of the Austrian succession. Driver Chard claiming direct ancestry on his mothers side to Captain Jenkins, whose severed ear gave rise to the name of the war bearing his name.
Driver Chard further claims that on his last trip to the Iberian peninsular an over enthusiastic passport officer at the port of Malaga, tried to severe his ear after an altercation concerning an illegal package of snuff, a whip made from a camels tail, and an old copy of the Spectator ridiculing General Franco.
together with Boozy Creed, the Italian Stallion, Chairman Get Karter
and the Big Marty Blainster, the Mosenelle has formed a deep
relationship with the intelligence unit attached to the D.F.C.S, and
previous work on the Big Bobbidy Bob affair and the earlier joint D.F.C.S and Bohemian advance to relieve the Falkland Islands, has meant that deciphering
the codes has been an easy task.
has himself been tasked with creating a spectacular and magnificent
marching rhythm for the group to accompany a swift advance through
occupied Spanish territory if the Special Forces are required to go behind enemy
Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff, acting president and chairman of the Duck Flat Cap Society (D.F.C.S), has sensationally declared war on Spain over the present dispute with Gibraltar.
Driver Chard sites provocation going back to the War of Jenkins ear and the subsequent War of the Austrian succession. Driver Chard claiming direct ancestry on his mothers side to Captain Jenkins, whose severed ear gave rise to the name of the war bearing his name.
Driver Chard further claims that on his last trip to the Iberian peninsular an over enthusiastic passport officer at the port of Malaga, tried to severe his ear after an altercation concerning an illegal package of snuff, a whip made from a camels tail, and an old copy of the Spectator ridiculing General Franco.
After protracted discussions, and in his duel role as the acting joint chief
of staff, Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff, has allegedly authorised the
departure of a military naval and airborne task force to convey a
detachment of D.F.C.S and BLOG volunteers to the Mediterranean
outpost of British colonial rule.
joint task force will again be receiving support from various affiliates,
including the “Ecky Thump Brigade” based in north western England.
This affiliate continues to be headed by the strong minded ex Teacher. “Dave the
Teach”, and will be supporting the joint task force by sending a number
of war hardened ex military hard-men, trained by his compatriot
sexologist and triple heart bypass survivor, Basher “Rasta man” Hurley.
recently intercepted dispatch from GCHQ allegedly stipulates that the
joint military venture has been sanctioned by the British Government,
the UN and NATO. This is yet to have been verified by an official
release, although unconfirmed additional intercepted ciphers from the
State intelligence services of numerous former Cold War enemy’s of the west,
allegedly confirm the legitimacy of the reports.
the North London base of the joint command, Driver Chard has additionally assumed
the rank's of Admiral and Field Marshall, and has donned the appropriate uniform at recent meetings, which he
has adorned with medals from his previous military service in Egypt, Wealdstone and
North Africa.
will off course continue to wear his Fulham FC shirt, shorts and socks
and suspenders under his uniform, and place a whistle between his
cracked lips in case of an infringement during the committee meeting.
However, he has denied access to military
uniforms for the remainder of the high command as he feels that this
will undermine his authority. He will however, allow the wearing of
standard issue flat caps and if requested a fully functional Deerstalker
will be tolerated.
Pork pie hats together with any form of Russian or eastern European winter gear will not be allowed at any cost, together with any form of sombrero.
Pork pie hats together with any form of Russian or eastern European winter gear will not be allowed at any cost, together with any form of sombrero.
is to be challenged at an eminent meeting of the full Duck Flat Cap and
BLOG military invasion and occupation sub committee, which is to be
attended by all personnel. In this respect, Basher Hurley has informed
the high command that he is to seek special privileges and wear the
uniform of the SAS in view of his previous brief spell as a latrine
cleaner when sharing accommodation in Naples, Italy.
is of a more disturbing note that as with the previous expedition to the Falkland Islands, Pepe le Puke and Ray the Dust have
informed various cohorts that they are to seek permission to wear the
uniform of the Nazi Waffen SS, as they are drawn to the high decorative
detail of the epaulets and cuffs, and are divinely in love with the
dagger and death head motifs.
addition to the D.F.C.S faction within the alliance, The Bohemian League
of Gentleman have also been debating how best to support the action from
their home base in Metroland.
the D.F.C.S, there has been no problem with a uniform for the BLOG defence
Corp, as they were unanimous in agreeing to re use the orange and purple fatigues,
utility belt and thigh high rubber Doctor Martins used in the earlier campaign to relieve the Falklands.. As before, in addition an 18
inch rubber truncheon is worn down the front of the trousers at all
groups special representative for political and metaphysical affairs, "Lord Louis Loafington Smythe – Barron", has been in the forefront with
regards to home security, and has arranged for a fully mechanised Camel
division to be on standby at all times.
magnificent effort has been supported by the "Mossenelle" who in his
capacity as an ex East German spy has been in the forefront in arranging
the deciphering of the encrypted messages detailed earlier in this
Indeed, it is believed that the listening station based in Benidorm has already been in receipt of deciphered codes intercepted back in Metroland and the Duck.
As previously during the joint action to save the Falkland Islands,the
diminutive Sapper Cox has been excused from this task, as he has been
acting a batman and personal aide to Winny WWB Brownoski.
tension rises, a decision on a strike date is required and a full
meeting of the joint heads of staff and their full military command
will be held shortly, after which a full report will be posted here.
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020
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