Driver Chard has shocked the members of the Duck Flat Cap Society by revealing that he has secretly enrolled a revolutionary band of ex military pensioners, whose sole purpose is to undermine the governments of western Europe and north America.
This revelation came about whilst the cantankerous senile old timer was debating the Duck Flat Cap Societies position regarding the size of the fiscal rebate due from the EU.

These French communist backed societies have existed since the French Revolution and were originally provided with a luxurious stipend by Robespierre and this was further increased by Napoleon Bonaparte during his wars against the coalition consisting of The Empires of Great Britain, Austria/Hungry and Russia, together with a confederation of the remaining states wishing to be free of French control.
This benefit remained after the defeat of France by Wellington and Blucher, and has constantly been renegotiated with each new Republic, and was further enshrined in to European and French law by the Maastricht treaty in 1992 .
However, the Duck Flat Cap Society has remained a beneficiary of a rebate originally negotiated by the Prime Minister when Great Britain originally entered the EEC, and this concession has been vigorously defended throughout the nations membership of the community.
Indeed although the rest of Europe , headed by the Frogs have regularly attempted to dilute this rebate, all attempts have failed to date due to the threat of British Football hooliganism being perilously exported to Paris and other frog cities and towns if the rebate is diluted or tampered with in any way.
Indeed although the rest of Europe , headed by the Frogs have regularly attempted to dilute this rebate, all attempts have failed to date due to the threat of British Football hooliganism being perilously exported to Paris and other frog cities and towns if the rebate is diluted or tampered with in any way.
Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff has spent the last three months touring the length and breadth of the United Kingdom recruiting pensioners from local British Legion clubs Mental Homes and Retirement Homes.
The resourceful acting President and Charmain of the DFCS has promised full membership of the Duck Flat Cap Society, and the opportunity to bash the frogs from France with impunity, as an enticement to join his rag tag renegade brigade of false toothed knee knockers.
A full season ticket to Fulham F.C. has also been arranged as part of the package.
To date, the raging lunatic claims to have raised sufficient numbers for ten divisions, and the full mobilisation of his troops are taking place over the Christmas holidays. It is rumoured that a fully mechanised wheelchair and Bath chair division has already been set up in Yorkshire, and that they are ready to seize control of York Minster during the Christmas mass on 25th December.
From these humble beginnings, Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff resolves to take the position of Field Marshall of Europe and be at the head of a full frontal assault on the beaches of Normandy, via which ever cross channel ferries are available with the appropriate ramps for wheel chair access.

Driver Chard then plans to march, or rather wheel the way to Paris where he proposes to Liberate the French capital and revoke all the licenses of the communist backed agricultural drinking societies and threaten to abolish them unless they affiliate themselves to the Duck Flat Cap Society, with Driver Chard recognised as their de facto President.
By the time Her Chard had finished describing his master plan, the remaining members of the fiscal and EC sub committee had arranged for an ambulance to restrain the now foaming at the mouth octogenarian, and soon he was route to the local rest home drugged up to the eyeballs with a 40/60 solution of heroin and Best bitter.
Further details will be released in due course after further consultation with the societies lawyers.
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020

The resourceful acting President and Charmain of the DFCS has promised full membership of the Duck Flat Cap Society, and the opportunity to bash the frogs from France with impunity, as an enticement to join his rag tag renegade brigade of false toothed knee knockers.
A full season ticket to Fulham F.C. has also been arranged as part of the package.
To date, the raging lunatic claims to have raised sufficient numbers for ten divisions, and the full mobilisation of his troops are taking place over the Christmas holidays. It is rumoured that a fully mechanised wheelchair and Bath chair division has already been set up in Yorkshire, and that they are ready to seize control of York Minster during the Christmas mass on 25th December.
From these humble beginnings, Driver Chard of El Hadj Duiff resolves to take the position of Field Marshall of Europe and be at the head of a full frontal assault on the beaches of Normandy, via which ever cross channel ferries are available with the appropriate ramps for wheel chair access.

Driver Chard then plans to march, or rather wheel the way to Paris where he proposes to Liberate the French capital and revoke all the licenses of the communist backed agricultural drinking societies and threaten to abolish them unless they affiliate themselves to the Duck Flat Cap Society, with Driver Chard recognised as their de facto President.
By the time Her Chard had finished describing his master plan, the remaining members of the fiscal and EC sub committee had arranged for an ambulance to restrain the now foaming at the mouth octogenarian, and soon he was route to the local rest home drugged up to the eyeballs with a 40/60 solution of heroin and Best bitter.
Further details will be released in due course after further consultation with the societies lawyers.
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020