The Author

The Author

Sunday 1 January 2023



The calix was alleged to be buried in the lower field. However, its exact location was lost in the mists of time.

The Lower field had been farmed by Old Joe Crudd for as long as people could remember, and he was loathed to let any one accompany him on any of his strips. Rotating barley, hops and peas, with oats corn and pasture, enabled him to cultivate his field without loss of nutriments or substance. 

However, it had long been rumoured that the middle section of the field, consisting of a three or four strips, was the home to an unknown buried treasure. The substance behind the rumour was contained in an ancient document that had mysteriously appeared pinned to the local church notice board. It stated that the previous owners of the field were linked to the Knights Templers, and that a hoard of treasure had been hidden during their persecution, and never recovered. 

St Herbert's church rector, Father Benedict denied all knowledge of the manuscript and swore an oath before the local Bishop and magistrate to that effect.  This angered the villagers who believed that the church was stirring up trouble in an attempt to obtain the treasured lost chalice of St Finglesham.  The chalice, also known in ancient documents as a Calix, was associated with the barbarian invasion of Britain after the retreat of the Romans, and was believed to have been transported to Kent by the Jutes.

The Jutes had settled in Kent and Kingdom of Kent had become their stronghold within the British Isles. Joe Crudd was indeed a descendent of these invaders, and carried the same DNA as the marauding seafaring Jutes, originating from Jutland,  Flanders and the adjacent Dutch coast. 

Father Benedict was familiar with the legends of the buried treasure as he had had access to the Latin manuscripts interned within the churches crypt. These scrips were also translated in to a variety of early Germanic languages including those spoken by the Jutes. Although he had denied this knowledge to his inquisitors, it was memorised so thoroughly within his brain that no further study would be required. However, Joe Crudd was aware of this denied knowledge and awaited the rectors next move.    

To be continued...

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