The Author

The Author

Wednesday, 2 June 2021



Lord Tostig of the Horn, loved to masticate.

As a child of the wilderness he was prone to wandering the countryside seeking out items to practice his favourite habit on. His preference was for fresh flesh that had been slowly roasted on an open fire, but this did not halt his rapid consumption of any available morsel. 

At birth he had been blessed with a full set of choppers and made his mothers breastfeeding an unimaginable agony. He was therefore weened at an early age and confidently consumed solids from the age of two months. 

Tostig was introduced to raw meat after stumbling upon the corpse of a fallen warrior who had succumbed to the black death. Although only seven years old, he dismembered the body with his knife and rapidly consumed the flesh and entrails, leaving only the bones for the eagles and vultures to scavenge over.

As a teenager he quickly mastered the profession of animal husbandry and butchery, and within his courtly circle was renowned for his cannibalistic behaviour towards the recently deceased.

Before full puberty, he had obtained the epitaph "Horn", due to his habit of gnawing the horned skulls of rams and bulls and sucking the animals horns to remove any marrowbone residing in the horns. 

By his late teens he was unequalled in his ability to masticate, and was undoubtedly the greatest masticater within the territory he and his extended and ravenous bruderbund inhabited. 

To be continued..........

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