However, this was by no means here worst affliction as she also suffered from "extreme cranial diminution syndrome" or ECDS.
This rare condition manifests itself by reducing the size of the hosts head by up to 50% during the course of an hour, with a corresponding reflation the following hour. This would repeat for up to three days before a period of dormancy which could last up to two weeks before a relapse occurred.
The amazing shrinking of Irina's head had first arisen as a a side effect when she was infected with a mild bout of "Mad Albert Disease" during a trip to The Mitre public house in North Wembley, Middlesex.
The Mitre has subsequently been confirmed as the birth place of "Mad Albert Disease"where it was initially incubated in a stale pint pot used by Albert Benfield and his octogenarian gymnastically challenged wife, and further details of this debilitating ailment can be found in previous Blogs containing the inflictions name.
( https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=23167989931844412#editor/target=post;postID=4894583811874834819;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=134;src=postname)
Returning to the head of Irina Pindelech, after an unfortunate childhood and mid life crisis , she settled down to a life of monotony and boredom she traveled the world as a circus exhibit until settling in the Amazonian rain forest where she began subletting her head to local tribesman who would use here cranial fluctuations in ritual fertility ceremonies.
During her stay in south America, she noticed that a tribe of fair skinned hunters bore a striking resemblance to Martin Boreman and instantly fell in love with the tribes chief who him self was smitten by her resemblance to Adolf Hitler.
They married and produced many offspring who are currently believed to be preparing for the rise of the fourth Reich whilst generating electricity for the native Indians by channeling her fluctuating cranial capacity in to electricity via a process pioneered by Peter P Pederson and developed by the Irina Pindelech Light bulb and Capacitor company.
Driver Chard of the Duck Flat Cap society is to head an investigation in to the current whereabouts of the cranial deviant and his findings will be published in due course.
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