Unsubstantiated reports have reached this writer of a phone hacking outrage at a suburban public house on the borders of Harrow Weald, Belmont and Stanmore.
It has allegedly been reported that mobile phones belonging to members of the august and venerable group known as the “Duck Flat Cap Society”, have been “Hacked” by an unknown person or agency.
It has been strongly suggested by those in the know, that the nefarious activity is the work of a subversive renegade group known as “The Lancashire Socialist Commando Battalion”, who have close links with the outlawed “Eckee Thump Brigade”.
The northern groups are known to object to members of the Duck Flat Cap Society adopting the flat cap as their emblem and badge, stating that “those southern softy namby pamby cockneys are betraying the sacred flatty”.
For a number of years it has been rumoured that the “Duck Flat Cap Society “ has been infiltrated by one or more of these embittered men, although to date there has been no positive proof. In fact, those members who have indeed migrated to the south for economic and sexual reasons, have shown only a slight preference for northern ale and only occasional slip in to the native vernacular of their homeland.
“Chelsea Duck “a founding member of the society, has allegedly burst a blood vessel on being told of the suspected mobile hacking and is threatening to walk away from the Duck. This threat must be taking as debatable, as "Chelsea" has not shown any preference to vacate his favoured seat for many years. Indeed not since an earlier incident involving an antique painting, has “Chelsea” felt it advisable to down his ale in another hostelry. Chelsea has resolved to wear his flat cap at all times in fierce defiance of “The Lancashire Socialist Commando Battalion” or their sister group, the “Eckee Thump Brigade”.
It is also alleged that “Bazza Duck” has threatened to track down the interlopers and personally take his own revenge on those involved. This is a more substantial threat, as he is known to vent his ire at the slightest event, and a verbal landslide is sure to take place as soon as a suspect is apprehended. Indeed, it is most probable that medical assistance will be required if “Bazza Duck” lays his hands on these northern tyrants, before the appropriate forces arrive at the scene.
The other founding members of the “Duck Flat Cap Society” are also watching the every move of each and every member for the slightest slip that may reveal their allegiance to “The Lancashire Socialist Commando Battalion”.
It is not yet known what the hackers trying to obtain by their nefarious efforts, but the personal conversations of the societies members are thought to include information regarding the annual general meeting of the consumption committee, although this information would be freely available to all members, including the alleged northern infiltrators.
However, it is more likely that they are after hacking the calls of the life time Honoury president “Driver Chard of El Hadji Douiff”, other wise known as “The Chard”, who will not reveal his telephone number, and only converses with those selected to be his confidents. It is known that the “Chard” regularly releases secrete information regarding his golf swing to certain members of the society, and it is believed that it is this information that the hackers seek.
We await further developments, and a further report will appear shortly.
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020
R.I.P JOHN CHARD 1933 - 2020